Brandon Parenti

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Research Assistant

Brandon Parenti is an undergraduate Psychology student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with a prospective minor in Evolutionary Medicine. With a strong research interest in developmental psychology, he is excited to further assess the ontogenetic and phylogenetic trajectories of adolescent adversity and their psychological applications. Brandon is extremely thrilled to continue his education after graduation from UCLA as a prospective Ph.D. student in Developmental Psychology, where he will expand and assess the applications of developmental research. Within the BABLab, Brandon is currently a student researcher in the RISE-Up EA+ study, led by Dr. Callaghan and Dr. Jennifer Silvers, which aims to assess developmental trajectories of education and it’s profound influence on psychological maturation. Outside of the lab, Brandon has been a student course assistant for Developmental Psychology with Dr. Bridget Callaghan and has done extracurricular work as a high-school student peer counselor.